Solo netracells in less than 10 minutes #
For this guide you will need:
- A well built Wukong or Wukong Prime
- A strong weapon to handle waves of enemies.
- (Optional) A strong weapon that can melt down a mini-boss.
How to run a cozy Netracell #
First, make sure you’re running the mission in SOLO mode. This way you can pause if you need to catch a break. Load your equipment and go in, pick up the 4 Keygliphs at the beginning and start the mission. You’ll be using Wukong’s Cloudwalker ability to get by the mission. Ignore all enemies until you reach the objective. You might want to pop in the Orokin Eye air support if you have it to pick up extra Vocas.
Make your way through all the white objective points and hack the consoles. If you run into a puzzle room, you should do the puzzle if it’s fast.
Reach the netracell and activate it. Head to the circle and stay in the middle, let the enemies get to you and kill them. This is when the Gruzzling will likely appear. Chase them down if you want to, or ignore them. After a while, you will get a dialogue to go find a necramite, immediately stop killing enemies, go get it and get back. You should be using Cloudwalker a lot to avoid damage over time debuffs and to stay alive. Rinse and repeat.
Make your way to the end of the mission, I highly recommend checking the end of mission loot room to get extra Vocas, it’s very quick and easy.
Wukong #
Fun Fact: You can’t revive in Netracells missions.
Fun Fact 2: Wukong can cheat death 3 times before really going down. This is perfect!
The way I do this mission is just to stay in Cloudwalker mode as often as possible. This is Wukong’s Ability 2. While you are in this state you’re invisible, invincible and you can traverse freely in all directions. Use this as your main way to get by. I often just shoot, reload, cloudwalker. I bring Zenurik to ensure I got enough energy to stay cloudy.
Optional, you can use Ability 1 (Celestial Twin) to pull aggro away from you
Strong weapon #
For a strong weapon I used the torid since the incarnon is so strong. It also requires very little aiming, which is perfect for me. This weapon you’ll be using to clear waves of enemies.
(Optional) Weapon that can melt down a miniboss #
For the secondary weapon I bring the Laetum. There’s so many good things about this secondary weapon but what I like the most is how early you can get this in the Zariman syndicate. Always in my recommendations. Also, it hits hard.
That’s it! #
Go fight win! You got a better way to do it? @ me at X or BlueSky.
Here’s a complete run with this set up.