Warframe for Android Pre-Registration is live! #
As we near the end of the year, it’s about time for Warframe’s Android build to conclude. They just dropped the pre-registration link on their site and companion app. I’m super excited to try it out!
I’ve been a frequent enjoyer of iOS Warframe and I’m super pleased with the performance I get. This version I will be trying on my Android Tablet with a controller. I’ll make sure to write a review on the Android experience and compare it to the iOS release. Granted, releasing for Android is a huge deal. Performance may vary by device and there is a LOT of Android devices out there. I’m still super optimistic about it.
It’s about time for the 1999 update and I’m very hyped about it. Just remember,
Don’t be late #
Or here’s the link below https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.digitalextremes.warframemobile&pcampaignid=web_share