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Warframe for Android pre-registration is now available! Claim special cosmetics!

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Alan Tuitch
Alan Tuitch
Some random gamer online writing news and guides because gaming journalism is dead. Fight me on my socials below.
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Warframe for Android Pre-Registration is live!

As we near the end of the year, it’s about time for Warframe’s Android build to conclude. They just dropped the pre-registration link on their site and companion app. I’m super excited to try it out!

I’ve been a frequent enjoyer of iOS Warframe and I’m super pleased with the performance I get. This version I will be trying on my Android Tablet with a controller. I’ll make sure to write a review on the Android experience and compare it to the iOS release. Granted, releasing for Android is a huge deal. Performance may vary by device and there is a LOT of Android devices out there. I’m still super optimistic about it.

It’s about time for the 1999 update and I’m very hyped about it. Just remember,

Don’t be late

Click here to Pre-Register

Or here’s the link below


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